Assalamualaikum everybody !!
Today our team Phoenix IIUM would like to share to all what had happened in our class during last week.
WEEK 6th in Our Learning Class
Now we just finished the sixth week of psychology of learning class, 11th and 14th. During the first day of the week, on 11th, we shared the class with our story which was based on the common phenomena of classical conditioning. Our stories name was ‘Ahmed and his adorable cat’. We also listened and enjoyed other groups’ stories which were all interesting. Whenever, a group reads or shows their own story we were trying to identify the six common phenomena of classical conditioning.
The second day of the week, on 14th, we continued sharing the stories and discussing it in the class. After we all finish telling our stories to the class we then started to get ready for our next task which was about developing and implement a Da’wah project. Our first step was to Set the target behaviour and then to Set the target group. After we discussed, we agreed for our target behaviour to be “Late in performing Solah " and our target individual to be from sisters in IIUM.
Zainab & Phoenix IIUM Team.