Friday, 17 May 2013

Long-Term Memory

Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

Hye everyone...very sorry for late update on our class lessons..Today, we will bring you closer to look into the most important element of learning which is LONG-TERM MEMORY..Lets us introduce to you (for those who didn't know & also for those who wanted to know) on last three days topics.


Under long-term memory there are two types which is explicit (conscious); remembering a specific driving lesson and implicit (unconscious); improved driving skills as a result of the driving lesson.  

 Example of long-term memory:

However, there are lots of factors that could affect our long-term memory from being retrieve smoothly from our long-term memory. Below is one of the example;

Through this lesson, we had learn that memory is one of our essential cognitive processes. To remember past event, happy moments, important context and et cetera so that our life could be more meaningful than just having a plain memory.
Phoenix IIUM.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Video Animal Training on YouTube

Assalamualaikum everyone..hope we had shared some information with all of you..
We really sorry for our late update..

Here are the link to our group video during training session before and after the process..
Enjoy it ~~

Psychology of Learning Animal Training Projects

P/s: For any comment or details comment to our blog yaa..TQ


Phoenix IIUM.

Last Trial with our Kiki ONLY

Assalamualaikum all...

This would be our last Animal Training presentation and hope everyone do enjoy reading our Kiki & Lala progress..


DATE: 10 May 2013

In the morning, we all together train him again. What we observe, it can detect the smell of the food easily. When he tries to find the food, he walks follow the smell, and then he returns without reach to the food. Then he try again and the distance nearer than before. But he returns back again, and he tried again till the last round he reaches to the food.

Then, the food did not give again, until 6 pm. Again the same process was repeated. But this time, he got to know the smell of food immediately. But once he got the food, he did not eat but he repeated his behaviour by goes around and returns back. When he is trying to climb the wall, I flick his ears. Then the same action has been taken every time he did the same mistakes. It seems like he is very hard in finding his food even though the food is next to him. It will probably due to the type of foods were different from what he got.
DATE: 11 May 2013
At 8.00 am He was given the breakfast. This time he more alert about the smell of the food. But as before, even though he found the food, he did not eat the food but return back to his place and go again. He repeated the same behaviour over and over again. And he becomes more aggressive by climbing up the wall over and over again. But when he saw my hand, he stops from climbing it. This learning has been conducted twice for today and he shows the same behaviour.
Zuraikah & Phoenix IIUM.


Third Week of Our Observation

Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone...

Our third observation report are ready for you guys. It was so amazing to look at their learning process even though they are just animal.

SETTINGS: Mahallah Asiah, Blok I
DATE: 29 April 2013 – 5 May 2013

            This is the third week I will observe our mice because after this I will pass them to my group mate and let them trained both mouse. During day fourteenth, I make some changes for their box because the old box have been torn out by them and I change it with new box. Both of the mice were more comfortable with their new and big house because they can ran everywhere. On the sixteenth day of my observations, one of the mice had gone missing and I tried hard to find her. I tried to look under my bed but she not there, when I look at my luggage she was there laying and look at me. She ran so fast until I can’t manage to catch her but with help of my friends, we finally caught her and I punished her by putting her inside my bucket for 8 hours (I still give her food).

            Last day of the week, I give them to my group mate and we trained them together. After that, I let my group member to train them after almost three weeks I’ve with them. I told my group mate to observe very carefully because they were so proactive unlike the first day I met them during the day I bought them at pets’ wonderland.

Thanks again for your time all of you!!
Phoenix IIUM.

P/s: Below is the link to our video on you tube of our mice..lets play!!
Kiki and Lala playing time

Second Week of Animal Training

Assalamualaikum everyone...may you have a fine day ~

This is our second observations towards Kiki & Lala (the mice).


SETTING: Mahallah Asiah, Blok I

DATE: 22 April 2013 – 28 April 2013

            On the following weeks, I keep observing both of them; their eating behavior, learning process and also playing behavior. As I could see, the female mouse is cleverer than the males’ mouse. It elicits so much unexpected behavior when I was not around; luckily I have my roommate that could take care of them during my class time. One of my roommate said to me that she heard a noise from my compartment and when she went to my room, she could see the female mouse was trying to escape from the box by climbing the boxes’ wall. My friend push her so that she wouldn’t escape but it seems like, the female mouse never give up and keep trying to be outside of the box. My friend said, “It’s nearly ten times I had to push her down from escaping but she keep climbing and try to escape no matter what happen.” This was happened on day eight of my observations and yes, I also observe the same things too. Unlike the other mouse, the female mouse is more active and cleverer.

            On eleventh and twelfth day of my observations, I trained them again at the same place which is at the study room of my mahallah. With also the same technique, I didn’t offer any food to them 2 hours before so that they could get into the food container successfully. Before start, I add some hurdle for them along the way the wanted to go to the food container. This is to make them learn on how to overcome those challenges so that they can get to the food and eats. However, only the female could reach until the end of the room and eat their foods but for male mouse, he still couldn’t get through the hurdle like the female does.

            Last day of the week, I was not continuing with their training because there are lots of work that I need to submit. But, I still keep observe them whether or not they follow the rules that I had taught them or not.
P/S: we will upload our video during their playing time later...just bear with us yaa~
Phoenix IIUM.

Kiki Lala..Our little Cutey Mice

Assalamualaikum all,
This is our group reports regarding the Third Projects which is Animal Training..
We had name for our pairs of mice (Kiki and Lala). We also included both of their picture so that all of you could meet with our little cutey mice..

SETTING: Mahallah Asiah, Blok I

DATE: 16 April 2013 – 21 April 2013

            On 8.25 pm, I just arrived from IOI Mall Pets Wonderland, Puchong after bought a pair of mice from there. The shop owner told me that a mouse is easier to take care than hamster but still lots of people were only using this animal for science experiment and not taking them as pet. On my first and second day with them, I could differentiate their gender and it seems to me that the female mouse were much more proactive as compared to the male mouse. At first, I will only give them sunflowers seeds as their food and plain water for them to drink. I keep giving them the same type of food for the whole week (until 21 April 2013).
            On the third day of my observations towards our mice, I had started with new kind of rules for them (the mice) which are 1) they will only being given food for 4 times a day (which at 6.30 am, 1.00 pm, 6.00 pm, and 11.30 pm) not more or less, 2) they will have special time for them to play for only 1 hour which is start at 6.00 pm until 7.00 pm everyday and 3) they will be put in a bucket as punishment if they try to make a hole on the box to escape. These are some rules for them and I will be observing them either they could learn and follow those rules or not. Well, after a while (on fifth day of my observations), the male mouse were less likely to get punished rather than the female mouse. As in my early perception, it seems that the female mouse is more likely to not follow the third rules. This is because, as I can see that she love to be outside then inside box.
            Last day for these weeks, I started to do warm up to them. I bring them to my study room at mahallah where the space is bigger than my compartment. I trained them in how to find the food inside that big and huge study room by placing them at the corner of the room. The food which is the biscuits cheese was placed on the next end of the room, but before I done the pre-training activities; I delay their schedule of getting food for about 2 hours. It was so interesting to see them eagerly strives to go and search where they can find food. However, the duration for them to get to the food container are longer than I assume due to some reasons; 1) the new place which is in study room has make them feel unsafe and also make them move so slowly to get into the food container than the usual place they had, and 2) they have a very sensitive sense, that’s why they can’t go quickly to the food whenever there are some other distraction such as noise.
Thanks for your time...
Phoenix IIUM.

Final Da'wa Project

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Its has been so long our group didn't post and update any new infromation regarding our learning processes. Well, its so much things to do and due to that, we had stucked in the middle of our progress to tell you guys about our projects..
1st is our assignment on Da'wa Project and below is the summary of project:
Summary of our Da’wah project
    At the beginning of this project we gave our participants who were three students of International Islamic University Malaysia a clear explanation about the project so that they can follow us during the program. The program officially started on 8 April to 22 April

     The materials that the observer used were posters and bookmark; that contained Quranic verse and Ahadith of prayer. This helped the participant to be consistently reminded the advantage and the reward of praying on time and at the same time the disadvantage and the punishment of not praying on time.


     Basically the message that the observers conveyed to the participant was not a new one. It was the one that our religion constantly and strongly emphases on; that the purpose of our live is to worship the one and the only one who created the heavens and the earth; Allah S.W.T, the Almighty.

   As the observer and the ones who were conducting this project we have learnt that it is not easy to change human behaviour but it is not also impossible if we met the conditions needed for the sake of changing a specific behaviour. The project was not only benefited by the participants but also we as the facilitators of the project got benefit from it. When we were trying to help others to change and become a better Muslims we ourselves were modifying our own behaviour to be a better Muslims who are deserved to be listened and appreciated by others especially our participants. This because if we ourselves are not a good role model how come we would expect others to listen from us.
Zainab & Phoenix IIUM