Thursday, 16 May 2013

Final Da'wa Project

Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
Its has been so long our group didn't post and update any new infromation regarding our learning processes. Well, its so much things to do and due to that, we had stucked in the middle of our progress to tell you guys about our projects..
1st is our assignment on Da'wa Project and below is the summary of project:
Summary of our Da’wah project
    At the beginning of this project we gave our participants who were three students of International Islamic University Malaysia a clear explanation about the project so that they can follow us during the program. The program officially started on 8 April to 22 April

     The materials that the observer used were posters and bookmark; that contained Quranic verse and Ahadith of prayer. This helped the participant to be consistently reminded the advantage and the reward of praying on time and at the same time the disadvantage and the punishment of not praying on time.


     Basically the message that the observers conveyed to the participant was not a new one. It was the one that our religion constantly and strongly emphases on; that the purpose of our live is to worship the one and the only one who created the heavens and the earth; Allah S.W.T, the Almighty.

   As the observer and the ones who were conducting this project we have learnt that it is not easy to change human behaviour but it is not also impossible if we met the conditions needed for the sake of changing a specific behaviour. The project was not only benefited by the participants but also we as the facilitators of the project got benefit from it. When we were trying to help others to change and become a better Muslims we ourselves were modifying our own behaviour to be a better Muslims who are deserved to be listened and appreciated by others especially our participants. This because if we ourselves are not a good role model how come we would expect others to listen from us.
Zainab & Phoenix IIUM



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